Emotion Code

Have you ever been injured emotionally? Have you ever felt that emotional heaviness in your chest like your heart was breaking?

The heart is the center of your being. Research now indicates that the heart may be a second brain, a brain more powerful than the one on top of your shoulders. A brain that is fully activated when you are giving and receiving pure love and acts of pure, unselfish devotion. It is through our hearts that we give and receive love.

But our hearts are vulnerable to emotional injury. Sometimes trapped emotions are created in the body, and sometimes these trapped emotions lodge in the heart area.

Since all things are nothing but pure energy by their very nature, a trapped emotion is no different and consists of pure energy.

Well, sometimes your subconscious mind will take that extra energy that is now in the heart area, and it will make a ‘wall’ with it. Why? To protect your heart from injury; to keep your heart from being broken.

I believe that having a heart wall can affect us in two ways. First, they block the heart energy from flowing through the body; this makes it more difficult for the body to heal itself and can cause physical symptoms, particularly in the neck, upper back, and shoulders. Second, they block us from fully opening our hearts to others.

In essence, a Heart Wall will make you numb to others and make it more difficult for you to feel emotions and connect to others. When you realize that the mind puts the heart wall up to protect us in the first place, it all makes sense, but if you have a Heart-Wall, you will have a harder time being able to give and receive love freely.

When the Heart-Wall is removed from the body, the difference can sometimes be felt immediately. At other times, the change is more subtle and takes place over time.

When trapped emotions and Heart-Walls are released, people sometimes say it’s like they can finally feel again. They can give and receive love freely for the first time in a long time. In that state, very interesting and wonderful things can happen.

This is how we’re meant to live. We’re meant to live vibrant, healthy lives, filled with love and joy. Of all the emotions, love is the most pure and has the highest vibration. Love, the most powerful and most popular of all the emotions, is both generated by the heart and received by the heart.

When you have a Heart-Wall, you are not able to give love as well as you might, because that love energy that is in your heart cannot get out as well. At the same time, love that is being radiated toward you by other people is blocked to some degree.

As a result, you can go through your life somewhat insulated from others, because of the emotional traumas you’ve been through and the subconscious wall that exists around your heart. Until you take it down, you’ll be trapped behind it to some degree, less able to reach out and connect with people, even the people you love most.

The importance of clearing the Heart Wall from yourself and your loved ones cannot be overestimated.

What to Expect

30 minute session via Zoom.

Consultations in French and English